Calculate your return on investment
See how your reconciliation process and team benefit by improving your match rate.
Whether your team is onshore or offshore, you can be sure that you are using significant person power for your matching.
Manual reconciliations can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. Take the next step and learn how Operartis reconciliation machine learning can help.​
Key benefits of improving your reconciliation processes:
Increased efficiency
Improved exception management
Reduced costs
Enhanced visibility into your financial data
Request a Free Reconciliations Assessment
Reconciliations KPI assessment report
Have you wanted to review the strengths and weaknesses of your reconciliation process but haven’t found the time yet?
If so, then look no further. Have a chat with us and together, we will figure out your reconciliation process KPIs and how they stack up against your industry counterparts.​
Reconciliations Process Efficiency Map
​Do you have a perfectly tuned and smoothly running operation or do you have some manual bottle necks and operational log jams? This mapping will help shine a light on strengths and identify improvement opportunities.
Book an Assessment
Pricing plans to fit your needs
Along with annual license models we also offer ‘pay as you save’ pricing plan options, so you avoid the large upfront capital costs usually associated with software installations and guarantee your ROI.
Module packages range from low-cost micro instances all the way up to enterprise level with source code license options, so whatever your needs we have a package to suit you.
Our transaction-based pricing option is a small fraction of the cost of your manual effort by so your ROI kicks in from day 1, and volume discounts mean the higher your manual matching volumes the lower our per transaction fee and even bigger your savings.
Pinpoint Accuracy
Honed algorithms provide calibrated confidence for your matches which dramatically outperforms market leading rules engines with a 60-80% reduction in manual matching
Reduction in
Manual Matching
Matchimus dramatically reduces your manual matching workload
Easy to integrate, easy to use
ROI Guarantee
Return on investment assured with our Proof of Value assessment before you purchase.
Get a Demo of Operartis
Want to get started? Fill in the form to start the conversation about how Operartis can help your business.
Want to see proof of value? We'll measure the match rate improvement on your chosen reconciliation data and provide an automation report detailing your ROI before you commit to purchase.